Sunday, September 5, 2010

Daily Computer Maintenance - Tips You Should Know to Optimize Pc Performance

As we all know that, computers are the same as human beings which need to be taken care of. If so, it will always work at the maximum optimization status and extent the lifespan. On the contrary, firstly, this will some serous problems appearing like some important data lost improvably, computer crashes every two or three days, or unable to complete the scheduled work; secondly, this will significantly shorten the lifespan of the computer. So we can say that daily computer maintenance is necessary in order to optimize PC performance.

Normally, computer maintenance contains two parts: hardware and software maintenance.

Hardware maintenance means that it is needed to do some jobs like cleaning dust. After being used for sometime, the computer may get dusty inside for the fan that pulls hot air outsides are always pulling in air, which laden with tiny particles of dust. When these particles cling to electronics, they act like a blanket to hold in heat. And the dusts always stay at the biggest heat producers like CPU, heatsink, and video card. So a cleaning dust is necessary regularly in order to maintain the PC performance. If possible, please keep the area around your computer as dust-free as possible.

Software maintenance, including protecting the computer from being attached by virus, and regularly deleting the unnecessary system junk files, running a disk defragment is necessary in optimizing PC performance. Here, there is no need to talk about the importance of the anti-virus program to the computer for it is known to all that it is a must in order to protect the computer, but instead, we will particularly discuss the parts that always be neglected by lots of PC users when maintaining the computer: junk files cleanup and disk defragmentation.

When using the computer it is inevitably for us to surf websites and download programs, which always bring some useless temporary file on the computer. They do nothing but harm to the computer. So it is necessary for us to clean up the system junk files in a regular basic.

Besides, a disk defragmentation is indispensable in daily computer maintenance for it will rearrange the contents on the hard disk in order to making a complete file always stays at the same single place coherently and contiguously, Hence it will be much easier to get access to when trying to input or output it. Therefore, the computer may always run at faster speed and also extent the lifespan of the hard disk and the computer.

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